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Czajkowsky, D. M., Hu, J., Shao, Z. F. & Pleass, R. J. Fc-fusion proteins: new developments and future perspectives. Embo Molecular Medicine 4, 1015-1028. (2012).
Czajkowsky, D. M., Li, L., Sun, J.L., Hu, J. & Shao, Z. F. Heteroepitaxial Streptavidin Nanocrystals Reveal Critical Role of Proton "Fingers" and Subsurface Atoms in Determining Adsorbed Protein Orientation. Acs Nano 6, 190-198 (2012).
Guo, Y., Yang, Y., Zhou, J., Czajkowsky, D.M., Liu, B.Y., Shao, Z. Microdissection of spatially identified single nuclei in a solid tumor for single cell whole genome sequencing BioTechniques doi: 10.2144/000113860 (2012).
Wang, Y.J., Yu, Y., Pan, B., Li, Y.X., Shao, Z., Xu, X.G. and Li, X. Optimizing Hybrid Assembly of Next-Generation Sequence Data from Enterococcus Faecium: a microbe with highly divergent genome. BMC Systems Biology 6 (Suppl 3): S21 (2012).
Zhou, X., Liu, G., Yamato, K., Cheng, R., Wei, X., Gao, Y., Liu, Y., Liu, F., Shen, Y., Czajkowsky, D.M., Wang, J., Dabney, M.J., Cai, Z., Hu, J., Bright, F.V., He, L., Zeng, X.C., Shao, Z. and Gong, B. Self-Assembling Sub-Nanometer Pores for Water and Ion-Selective Transport. Nature Communications 3, 949- 957 (2012).